Make a payment

Making an investment or insurance payment is easy with a little help from AMP.

Choose the payment option that suits you best

Make a payment through MyAMP

For a fast and easy way to top-up your AMP KiwiSaver Scheme, AMP Managed Funds or New Zealand Retirement Trust account, log in to MyAMP Online. You can also make one-off or regular payments into your KiwiSaver or Managed Funds account using the MyAMP app.

What you will need

- Your MyAMP user name and password (or PIN for the app). If you don’t have a MyAMP account it’s easy to register.
- Your bank account number.

Important: Please check with your bank as they may charge a one-off fee for this services.

How it works

1. Login to MyAMP Online and select a one-off top up amount or set up a regular payment.
2. Choose a bank account to make the payment from and confirm you’d like to proceed.
3. An on-screen confirmation of your payment will appear and we'll send you an email with the details.

Make a payment through internet banking

Make a one-off payment or set up a regular automatic payment into your investment account through your internet banking.

What you will need

- Your KiwiSaver member number.
- Access to your banks internet banking portal.
- Your IRD number.

If you’re making a payment to your New Zealand Retirement Trust (NZRT) account, please give us a call on 0800 800 267.

How it works

1. Log in to your bank's website.
2. Search and select AMP from the list of payees (see KiwiSaver account info below).
3. Follow the instructions on screen.

Code: your IRD number
Reference: your KiwiSaver member number

Make a payment by direct debit

There are several ways to set up a direct debit

1. Use online banking.

2. Login to MyAMP Online.

3. Give us a call on 0800 800 267 and we’ll help set it up over the phone.

Make an insurance payment online

If you purchased AMP insurance through an adviser

If you purchased your AMP policy through an AMP adviser or over the phone, click the button below to make a secure payment online.

If you purchased AMP insurance online

If you purchased your AMP policy online through the AMP website, click the button below to make a secure payment online.

Make a payment to someone else's KiwiSaver account

What you will need

- Members first and last name.
- Members IRD number.
- Members KiwiSaver number.

How it works

1. Log in to your bank's website.
2. Search and select AMP from the list of payees (see KiwiSaver account info below).
3. Follow the instructions on screen.

Particulars: Members first and last name
Code: Members IRD number
Reference: Members KiwiSaver number

Need a little help?

If you're unsure or have any questions, give us a call on 0800 800 267 and we can help you.