Are you a Star Investor?

Have what it takes to beat the market?
Play the AMP investment challenge!

Star Investors game rules

The purpose of Star Investors is to demonstrate to Kiwis that investing is complex to do yourself and takes a lot of time.  It’s easy for AMP to do it for you, and you benefit from getting all the expert help you need.

Players will be playing against other players and against the market with stars acting as faux currency. 

To participate, players will need to register for the game. To register players will need to visit a registration webpage and provide their first name, last name, mobile number, and email address.

By participating in the Star Investor game players consent to receiving electronic messages and information regarding AMP products, services or promotions offered by AMP (or related companies of AMP) and agree, pursuant to the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007, that the person sending any such message need not include a functional unsubscribe facility in the message.  

Those enrolled in the competition will start receiving daily questions via email with three possible answers.  Players will have till midnight that day to answer that question and can only submit their answer once. Once we have your answer, the game will compare the answer to the financial market.  Players will either gain or lose star currency.   Players have until the end of day ten to earn the most star currency they can.

A question is delivered at random from a pool of preapproved questions to the player daily. Behind each question is a social volume query that checks the change in the volume of talk in the market from publicly available data sources to simulate investment performance based on the answer the player provided for the question. This is what makes each player's performance and experience unique to them.

If players do not submit an answer by midnight, the game will take that to mean “do nothing”, and players will gain or lose star currency based on that. 

During the game, players will have a personalised dashboard they can use to check their ongoing progress.  As all data will be anonymous, player performance will be ranked as performing in the top X% of all players or bottom X% of players. Their personalised dashboard can be accessed through the link in the daily email question. 

If a player wants to opt out part way through the game, they simply need to unsubscribe from the experience via email or the web portal.

At the end of the game, players will receive a final email and the game will prompt players that the contesting period is complete, but they are welcome to continue to play for fun.