All investing comes with a level of risk. You aren’t guaranteed to make money when you invest, and you might lose the money you start with. But that doesn’t mean you have to avoid investing all together. Here, you can learn more about types of investment risk and tips to help you understand your attitude towards risk.
Higher risk funds tend to be invested largely in growth assets (such as shares) and are generally associated with higher levels of ups and downs. Lower risk funds often have a larger allocation of investment to income assets (such as cash and bonds) and therefore historically experience less ups and downs.
The higher on the risk scale the fund you are invested in, the greater the potential for the value of the fund to fluctuate. However, they may potentially generate better returns over the long term when compared to a lower risk fund.
Lower risk funds are known to typically provide more consistent but lower returns over the long term.
Markets go through cycles and the value of your fund will follow that cycle. You should expect some ups and downs will happen to the value of your fund.
Generally, the higher risk fund choices, like an aggressive fund, the higher the returns are likely to be over time but there will be a greater chance of ups and downs along the way. For a lower risk funds choice, like a conversative fund, it is likely that returns will be lower over time but there’s less chance of ups and downs along the way.
The fund type you choose will determine, to a degree, the mix of assets in your fund. A fund is made up of a range of different assets from cash, cash equivalents, bonds, loans to government/companies and shares.
A conversative fund will have more lower risk assets like cash and bonds as they change less in value. There will be far less higher risk assets like shares in a conversative fund as they go up and down in value. You want to pick a fund with a risk tolerance that you are comfortable with.
Your attitude to risk is not static and can change over time. Regularly reviewing your investments and risk tolerance in light of your changing circumstances is crucial for remaining comfortable with the level of risk you have chosen.
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