The fund aims to achieve modest to medium returns, in exchange there may be small up and down movements in the value of your balance.
Minimum suggested investment timeframe
2 years
Member fee
Annual fund charges
Average 5-Years return (after fees, but before tax)*
*as at 31 January 2025
Sustainable investing
This fund is:
- Nuclear free
- No tobacco production
- No palm oil manufacturing
- No oil and gas drilling
- No coal mining
- No controversial weapons
- No civilian firearm production
See the AMP Sustainable Investment Philosophy for more information.
Investment risk
Potentially lower returns
Potentially higher returns
Lower risk
Higher risk
Higher risk generally means higher potential returns, but more ups and downs along the way.
Through this Fund Selector tool, AMP Services (NZ) Limited (FSP38082) ("AMP NZ") will provide advice to you in relation to the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme.
Our advice is limited to funds within AMP KiwiSaver Scheme, which are managed by AMP Wealth Management New Zealand Limited, and is generated through an algorithm which only considers your responses to the questions that we have asked.
AMP NZ is a related company of AMP Wealth Management New Zealand Limited, the issuer and manager of the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme.
You will not be charged for the financial advice that we provide to you through this tool.
Information about AMP NZ's complaints process, dispute resolution scheme and duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 are available on our website:
If you need any further information, please get in touch with us here